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Paris Jackson nails boho chic in an orange maxi skirt and grungey tie-front shirt as she performs at AmericanaFest in Nashville Kate Middleton says she is 'saddened by the loss of another innocent young woman' after Sabina Nessa's tragic murder Jennifer Lopez is every bit the superstar as she gets in one last rehearsal with her crew of dancers before the star-studded Global Citizen Festival in NYC 'It's been unbearable': Sarah Jessica Parker breaks silence over death of Willie Garson whom she first met on a blind date before Sex And The City 'He's really excited about it': Harry Styles is 'gearing up to surprise fans with a SECRET third album which is set to be released imminently' Strictly Exhausted! Pro dancer Katya Jones and host Tess Daly lead weary stars as they head home after a week of gruelling rehearsals before first live show after Draya Michele accused them of ripping off the concept Megan Fox and Kourtney Kardashian sizzle in new photos from SKIMS shoot. Hailey Bieber flashes her washboard abs in a black crop top and tracksuit bottoms as she leaves dinner with palsĭua Lipa wows in a shimmering pink ensemble as she joins ab-bearing Emily Ratajkowski and PVC-clad Gigi Hadid on the Versace MFW catwalk Madonna shares a tribute for adopted son David Banda on his 16th birthday - as she recalls him drinking 'coke out of a baby bottle' at a Malawi orphanage